Yay & Booooo!!!! Tue 8/14/12

I hit my next mini goal last Friday!  159.2  Hooooray!!!!!!!!!  Then my girlfriend from PA and her two daughters came to a week's visit and over the weekend.... Well, let's just say that portion control doesn't do much for brownies, mac & cheese, ice cream, cookies, cheeseburgers, chips, dip, chips, dip, chips and, dip.  So today I weighed in at 161.2.  Now there is no way that I ate over 6,000 calories extra to gain two pounds but try to tell my body that.  It's going to go back home to the 160s, dig it's heals in and flip me the bird while I try and drag it back out to the 150s. 

Why why why??? do I ask myself when taking two brownies instead of one and then cutting them in half to make ice cream sandwhiches out of.  One of the kids saw me doing that and said "Wow!, that's really smart!"  mmhmm  smart as a fat-ass fox I say.  ;)

A proud 5 for Friday & 1s for the rest!  A toast to 5!!!  We will be there again.  My goal is to see that 159 by Thursday!!! 

It's Soooooo Haaaaarrrrdddddd!!!! 8/9/12

What do you do when life is so hard you just can't get the words out to any support system for help? In my mind, who wants to hear that S H _ T?!  The curse of being a super happy and positive person is that when the poop hits the fan and you're down lower than the dumps everyone knows it and asks "What's wrong?"  UGH!!!!!!!  Leave me alone!  If you push too hard, you'll get the answer and it WON'T be what you want to hear!  That's what happened with my buddy system cousin today.  She pushed and prodded to find out why.  Ya know what's worse than feeling like you want to crawl in a box until it all goes away?, Answer:  Feeling like you want to crawl in a box until it all goes away but you also have to send an email with the subject line of "that was really btichy of me... I'm sorry" and then expound on it! 

Today is a negative 0.  Oh yeah, I gained 1 pound and 2 ozs.  Probably from the handfuls of baking chocolate chips I devoured because that's the only thing in the house remotely close to "bad" food.  Or, because I'm riddled with stress and not sleeping and maybe there is something to stress causing weight to not leave the body. 

It's Working! and So am I !!! 8/7/12

Between the buddy system with my cousin and the Biggest Weight Loss Challenge at our local rec center I have met my second mini goal of 5 lbs. and will have broken the evil 160s this week!!  I turned 50 in May and decided I was going to "ROCK" my fifties.  This means losing the weight that I've blogged off and on about for the past three years and toning up.  The thing is, there's something about 160 lbs that my body refuses to let go of.  NOT KIDDING!  For the past month I've been flirting with 159 but that God Foresaken 160 will not break.  I've decided if it doesn't break this week, I'll find the lightest appendage and least necessary of them all to lop off on Sunday.  All I need is about 2 ozs maybe 3 to be safe. 

This week's task:  Find 3 oz. appendage on body and ready myself for lopping on Sunday

I'm Back and still FAT!

What has it been hmmmm about 3 years!?!?  No time like the present.  I started a buddy system with my cousin whom I never really knew until now.  We're a bit of an odd pair but with threads of family symetry that bond us.  We're both working on healing broken bones in our feet so weight loss really sucks right now but, we're doing it.  So, it's a new day and the blog has been resurected! 

Five pound goals at a time.  Today I am 165.4.  Let's go! 

Long Time Coming 06-08-2010

I've had a hundred happy, sad but never indifferent days since last November.  I've also lost about twelve pounds and am feeling quite svelt.  Other than not having found a job yet, life is pretty damn good.  Happy Face Stickers on all of life's column heads.  :-)

Still Weighting to Exhale 11/5/2009

Well, I purchased a pair of LL Bean pants on line in a Misses size 12 which should be very comfortable even in the large state I am in however I came to find that the button for these fabulous flannel lined winter jeans was about an inch and a half away from button-ville.  I used to wish that I'd lose enough weight to be able to tuck.  Now I pray for the button and hole to meet without enormous air intake. 

I've lost about two pounds and am taking Chantix for stop smoking which is working very well.  So, better me is on the way.  Maybe, someday, my button and hole will meet again and I can revisit my dreams of tucking.  Tucking is for the thin only.  Anyone of any size can tuck, but seriously, does anyone including the obese tucker want to see the endless rolls of excess flesh pressing up against their seem popping top billowing out over the top of their "no doubt" stretch slacks?  Not me!  Personally I cringe at my two inch thick muffin top. 

My biggest smoke free challenge will be the upcoming weekend.  We spend many weekends up in Wisconsin where the fisherman fish, hunters shoot and smokers smoke all over the place.  It's almost impossible to find smoke free indoor entertainment.  This is a state that has just passed a law that prohibits children from consuming alocohol with their parents in bars.   I don't mean 18 year olds.  I mean children.  Sesame Street watching children.  Who I have actually witnessed consuming a Tom Collins with quadruple cherries in it just months ago.

Working on a Better Me 10/29/2009

My last entry was back on September 24th.  Reason being, I have been unhappy and frustrated with my current state of unemployment.  One would think that unemployment bring loads of time to us each day to accomplish all of those tasks we say we'll get to but never have time because of our jobs.  Well, it's not true.  My days go by and my list of accomplishments go untouched.  It has been almost seven months since my lay off status began and my closets are packed, the garage is a dirty messy pit, the back yard needs attention and oh yeah, the little neighbor girl is growing up and has better things to do than my outside chores so, the weeds are knee high (I keep praying for a frost to kill the dam things) and there's pine cones and leaves blanketed over our one acre piece of land.  The time flies and I have nothing to show for it.  Come evening time I look back on my empty list of accomplished tasks and say, "where did the time go?"  Then I check to see if my favorite shows are on and pop some corn for the dogs and I. 

Anwyay, writing about dark and sticky unhappy things makes me more unhappy.  I'm still not on top of the world but, in a much better place.  Have you every felt like life is controlling you instead of controlling your own life?  I have and still do.  But, awareness is half the solution to the problem right?

 So, once again, I am starting over with a new and stronger attitude.  It's time to yank my feet out of the quicksand that has been sucking me down and move.  What a great metaphor.  I could write pages and pages of phsycho babble that includes crazy childhood with crazy mother and rigid angry father that has affected me through my current adult life or, sum it up in a cozy little metaphor about being stuck in quick sand. 

Anyway, I vow to continue to blog on a regular basis whether life is sunshiny or grey. 

Outlook, sunny with patches of grey.