Still Weighting to Exhale 11/5/2009

Well, I purchased a pair of LL Bean pants on line in a Misses size 12 which should be very comfortable even in the large state I am in however I came to find that the button for these fabulous flannel lined winter jeans was about an inch and a half away from button-ville.  I used to wish that I'd lose enough weight to be able to tuck.  Now I pray for the button and hole to meet without enormous air intake. 

I've lost about two pounds and am taking Chantix for stop smoking which is working very well.  So, better me is on the way.  Maybe, someday, my button and hole will meet again and I can revisit my dreams of tucking.  Tucking is for the thin only.  Anyone of any size can tuck, but seriously, does anyone including the obese tucker want to see the endless rolls of excess flesh pressing up against their seem popping top billowing out over the top of their "no doubt" stretch slacks?  Not me!  Personally I cringe at my two inch thick muffin top. 

My biggest smoke free challenge will be the upcoming weekend.  We spend many weekends up in Wisconsin where the fisherman fish, hunters shoot and smokers smoke all over the place.  It's almost impossible to find smoke free indoor entertainment.  This is a state that has just passed a law that prohibits children from consuming alocohol with their parents in bars.   I don't mean 18 year olds.  I mean children.  Sesame Street watching children.  Who I have actually witnessed consuming a Tom Collins with quadruple cherries in it just months ago.

Working on a Better Me 10/29/2009

My last entry was back on September 24th.  Reason being, I have been unhappy and frustrated with my current state of unemployment.  One would think that unemployment bring loads of time to us each day to accomplish all of those tasks we say we'll get to but never have time because of our jobs.  Well, it's not true.  My days go by and my list of accomplishments go untouched.  It has been almost seven months since my lay off status began and my closets are packed, the garage is a dirty messy pit, the back yard needs attention and oh yeah, the little neighbor girl is growing up and has better things to do than my outside chores so, the weeds are knee high (I keep praying for a frost to kill the dam things) and there's pine cones and leaves blanketed over our one acre piece of land.  The time flies and I have nothing to show for it.  Come evening time I look back on my empty list of accomplished tasks and say, "where did the time go?"  Then I check to see if my favorite shows are on and pop some corn for the dogs and I. 

Anwyay, writing about dark and sticky unhappy things makes me more unhappy.  I'm still not on top of the world but, in a much better place.  Have you every felt like life is controlling you instead of controlling your own life?  I have and still do.  But, awareness is half the solution to the problem right?

 So, once again, I am starting over with a new and stronger attitude.  It's time to yank my feet out of the quicksand that has been sucking me down and move.  What a great metaphor.  I could write pages and pages of phsycho babble that includes crazy childhood with crazy mother and rigid angry father that has affected me through my current adult life or, sum it up in a cozy little metaphor about being stuck in quick sand. 

Anyway, I vow to continue to blog on a regular basis whether life is sunshiny or grey. 

Outlook, sunny with patches of grey.

Day 18 Better Me

Doctor appointment for my foot today.  Nothing wrong other than need to back off of it and learn my limitations.  So, the good news is, there's no fractures etc.  Bad news is, there's nothing wrong and I'm just going to have to lay off of it and learn my limitations.  Also, if intense pain stays, I need another surgery.  I do believe taking off 20 - 30 lbs. will help the pain level in a big way if not relieve it all together.

Food wise I had a bad day and had a bad day anyway. 
I don't want to get into a list of what I ate today but let's say this.  I made two trips through the Oberwiss Dairy drive through.  What a day. 

Day 17 Better Me?

Here we go.  Date night is here.  I am locked & loaded with healthy meals and snacks.  Am also motivated after watching Biggest Loser last night.  This blogging is a huge bummer when I'm not happy about things but, it keeps me honest.  I can't walk away from this.  If I do, I'll have no hope of really becoming a better me.

The day is so far so good.  If I can get through one week of non over indulgence or in today's terms, NOI, it will create the breakthrough feeling and confidence that may snowball me into success.  So, let's hope this is N.O.I. week!  Yay!!!!!

Didn't drink or smoke.  Trumphant!  Did eat two carameled apples.  It's o.k.  Get the one under control and then rest will follow.  Now, for the weekend. 

1 - 5....   1   but not bitter about it

Day 16 Better Me

At 6am-ish I always have the great intentions and will power to stand by my goals and future accomplishments.  Woke up at 5am, put the coffee on and have been writing. 

Now it's time to hop in the shower and meet my trainer at 8am. 

OK, met trainer who has made me stronger but I haven't lost an ounce.  Yeah yeah yeah, fat to muscle displacement.  Whatever.  I'm 30 lbs overweight and it's NOT MUSCLE. 

I am struggling so hard with the eating instead of smoking stuff.  I did not smoke and only over ate a little.  Like a taffy apple, couple pieces of chocolate, bowl of cereal etc.  Tomorrow is date night.  I love date night but I also make it party night and overindulge.  Really really fun at the time but am regretful on the scale later.  So, I will continue to work on moderation.  Happy fun moderation. 
1 - 5 ....  1

Day 15 Better Me Week 2 = Gained 1/2 Pound

Still not a better me.  Yes, I did resist cigarette withdrawl but ate and snacked to stay away from them.  It's the vicious circle of drinking three days a week and on the off days jones-ing for a smoke and sucking on candy.

I jumped into my first chapter of Six Sigma home study today and feel GREAT about it.  The revisit of information has really sunk into my noggin now.  Passed the test with an 80% success.  Yay!  Now on to the other 15 chapters. 

Also contacted the management of my old company to let them know I've completed 50% of this education process and received very positive responses.  My plan is working.  These efforts will float me to the top of the hay stack of unemployed bodies out here.  Hopefully they'll pitchfork me and toss me into the pile of employed soon.  This may create a little bloodshed.  Bring it on!!!

Started the day great with healthy small meals of fruit, yogurt, oatmeal.  Derailed in the evening when cigarette need and frustration set in.  A little chocolate and two bowls of cereal later will maybe not add weight but it will not allow for weight loss.  The scale says I gained a half a pound.  Bah! 

Scale of 1 - 5.....   1

Days 11 - 14 Better Me

I am a firm believer that anyone can learn anything if they apply themselves Except for those born with, perhaps, a disability or retardation. I think I’m retarded.

I will continue to make the title "Better Me" because somewhere in this process I will become a better me.  These three days were plain and simple, bad.  Every weekend I completely derail and eat, drink and smoke cigarettes as if these are my last days on earth.   We go to our little house up north and I let it all loosen up.  It's like another land where the home rules don't apply but as soon as I step back into Illinois everything ingested on the weekend resurrects itself and fat cells grow, brain cells die and, in general, my body degrades overall just a little. 

The key here is to find the strength within myself to let go of these old habits.  This is a lifestyle that I have been unable to let go of for over five years now.  I feel like I'd be turning into an un-fun person.  Hmmm un-fun or die earlier of something hideous like cancer while all the time living with intense aches and pains from over stressing out my joints. 

I'm going to keep trying.  Einstein said it's the crazy person who illustrates the same behavior over and over expecting different results.  (or something like that)

Days 11 - 14.  Scale 1 - 5....  0    I fear I've gained weight.  Because I KNOW I've put on at least a pound from the beer and 2 bottles of wine alone.

Day 10 Better Me

Hmmm, I have got to focus.  Focus on everything.  On my over eating, in my class, on my myself and my future.  This is not funny.  I'm unhappy and scared and have lost all my (as mom used call it) "moxy".  What the hell is moxy?  I get it but what exactly is moxy?  Hold on, I'm going to   
mox⋅ie  /–noun Slang.
1. vigor; verve; pep.
2. courage and aggressiveness; nerve.
3. skill; know-how.  

Well, that is spot-on.  I used to have lots and lots of moxie.  Now I have none.  I need my moxie back! 

In the meantime today I ate...  A banana, granola bar, tons of coffee, a chicken ceasar salad with a little dressing, two small rolls with butter, a large cookie, a weight watchers dinner, four small squares of left over pizza, one Twizzler and a small scoop of frozen vanilla yogurt with malt powder and chocolate syrup. 

Scale of 1 - 5...  1.5   Please God, Jesus, Angels and any dead people who are spirits now and know and love me, HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Thank you.  :-)

Day 9 Better Me

I don't feel like a better me.  Day 9 was definitely a weight gain day.  I drank nearly an entire bottle of wine, pizza and cookies and that's just the bad stuff that I ate.  I was unslept, unhappy and frustrated.  These 6 Sigma Green Belt classes are brutal.  The content is dry and the instructor or more dry.  Food made me happy. 

Enough said.

1 - 5   1  a big fat ONE!

Day 8 Better Me - Week One Lost 1 lb. - 26 Pounds To Go)

After two or maybe three hours of sleep my day began. Unhappy over the dismal one pound loss and unslept I dragged myself into the shower, dressed and fed Flash and Sweetiekins. Actually made it to class on time today. What a horribly BAD BAD day at training. Well, I had a BAD BAD day. Without too much detail I have forced the instructor into unfamiliar training territory which left me empty handed and frustrated in class. No Process to apply. These dry dry dry mind numbing statistics are hard enough on an unslept brain but to not have a work related task for application made half the day nearly impossible. Talk about feeling like a Loser!!

L O S E R is my personal feeling D’Jour these days. I need a big shot in the arm of Moe Joe. (sp?)

There are people I can blame for this unemployed LOSERness.  The healing process should always include the "Blame Others" step. I highly recommend it. Don't worry, if you're grounded and not too warped of a person, you'll reach the self reflection stage at some point but in the meantime “Blame Others” feels fabulous.
Anyway, now I have homework (no one else does) and have to get up at 4am to be in class an hour early for one on one time with the most boring instructor (Buehler… Buehler…) EVER!

Let's see, today I ate… a banana, granola bar, beef tenderloin salad (360 calories), a small roll with butter, five Twizzlers, an oatmeal cookie, a tiny piece of skinless chicken, a tiny plain potato, 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese and a Weight Watchers 1 point bar. Total calories approx. 1500.  I should have passed on the cookie but it helped to keep me from slapping the boring teacher today.  Good Cookie! 

Scale of 1 - 5 / 2.5 Not bad. My big goal is to eat healthy and not drink tomorrow on Date Night.

Day 7 Better Me (End of week one)

So, I started my 6 Sigma Green Belt Classes today. 8am - 5pm all week. If I could trade these classes out to be used in experimental torture techniques created by the most demented third world enemies or, to be put on a tilt a whirl placed on a cruise ship in the middle of the meanest rocking ocean seas.... (motion sickness)you get the picture. These classes are mind numbingly dry but, if it helps propel my resume closer to the top of the stack and end my once fun and now pain stakingly anxious unemployment days, so be it.

This morning I had a small bowl of cereal and lots and lots and lots of coffee. I set the alarm for 4:45am and dragged myself into the shower just after 5am. Morning person I am not. I used to spring out of bed and cheerfully bounce about my apartment but not anymore. I'm pretty much incoherent till after consuming 12ozs of very strong coffee. My coffee has been described as rocket fuel, so thick you need scissors to snip it off at the pot, chunky and stomach scorch to name a few. I've never met anyone who actually likes my coffee only a select few who tolerate it.

I woke up 2 and a quarter hours before I had to leave for class and was still 25 minutes late in getting there. What!!?? We'll try again tomorrow. I can't be late. There's only three of us in class it's not like I can sneak in the back and because I was the last to arrive I have the front & center desk. Nice.

Ate half of my lunch hotel lunch of a chicken caesar wrap but ate all the fries. Had two small snack and a salad for dinner. I'm still a bit over for the day and had absolutely no exercise so, I guess I'm at 2.5 break even mark. I'll weight myself in the morning. My goal was to lose three lbs but this week derailed so bad, I'll be happy with any loss and no gain. Which reminds me. My goal is to lose a total of 27 lbs. Inside of those 27 lbs I have mini goals. 5lbs. then 15 lbs. are my first mini goals. Also, I'd like to lose my 27 lbs. by January 25, 2010. This averages out to about 1.5 lbs. per week. If you calculate in the degree of difficulty during the holidays, it's a pretty tall order.

1 - 5 I'm at a 2.5 today

Day 6 of Better Me

Ohhhhh.  U2 Concert hangover.  I feel like I worked out in a gym all day yesterday.  Very hurty muscles, low metabolism and just want to eat all day.  I picked at some things and didn't eat too much until we ordered enough chinese food to feed the starting cast of the Bigger Loser. 

I begin business certification classes tomorrow.  All week I'll be locked up from 8am - 5pm classroom style.  I'm excited to engage my brain again.  Since unemployment my brain has not been exercised.  I'm just not the type of person to do crossword puzzles and soduko to engage brain.  That's what a job is for.  And unemployment is for WII Resort Sports.  My goal is to land a great job by 1st quarter at the latest.

Well, after the pile of egg foo young, fried rice and the Dragon Delight Special I had to wash it down with a little (I use that word loosely) peanut butter & chocolate ice cream.  Tonight I dipped into the turkey meatloaf and had a couple of cookies.  I've sufficiently proteined up and carbo loaded and am ready for class tomorrow. 

1 -5  Definitely a 1 but will make up for it tomorrow and during the week.  For some reason I don't have that guilt stricken feeling for using such poor eating habits today.  Today is a very low score of 1 but feeling positive that I'll get past it.  Hmmmm, that's a new one. 

Day 5 Better Me

The rest of this weekend must go better than yesterday. Tonight we're going to see U2. Bono, The Edge and the other two guys. They are my rock & roll Gods. I love rock concerts. The greatest of the greats like The Stones and The Who are my favorite concerts. I got so excited at the last Who concert that I hurled myself into the chair below me and cracked a rib. The fact that I have very poor balance and consumed about a half dozen Yaegermeister shots before the show had a lot to do with the hurling/rib cracking.

I am a rock star in my head. I have put on shows with the greatest bands ever. I am also an actress and sometimes a dancer. You would not believe the giant venues that I have sold out in minutes. I like to make these up when I’m working out.

Right now it's coffee and skim milk. You'd think that after all of that food last night I'd be full but no. I could eat a giant bowl of Lucky Charms right now. I'm holding back.

Ended up having a pretty ok meal of turkey meatloaf, bread, cheese and other small picky foods. Then we relaxed the rest of the day. Made myself a giant vodka & Crystal Light in my Sponge Bob Tumbler and off we went to the concert. My husband had his limo driver friend take us to the show.

Well, lots of beers at the show and snacks when we got home. Maybe I burned off so many calories at the show that the whole caloric intake is a wash. Well, there's no way to know so, I'll give today a 2.5

PS, the concert was huge. There’s no such thing as a bad U2 concert they’re all just variances of greatness. This one was technologically spectacular!!

1 - 5....  2.5

Day 4 Better Me

Woke up before the alarm which I set for 6am because I couldn't bare to set it for 5am knowing I wasn't getting to sleep till after 11pm. I have the worst time getting to sleep. Always have. Why? Who knows. Sometime late in the evening I begin yawning so I head on back to the bedroom for the face washing and wrinkle/eye cream applications. Now I'm awake again so, I go back into the living room, pet the dogs and give them their "last call", (I do not give the dogs booze that's code for take your last pee) make the coffee and begin to feel tired again. So, I head back to bed and slip into the cool sheets, turn off the light and BING! I'm awake. I start thinking about my lunch in the city and how much I miss my friend and what if I don't get a job and what if I do get a job and, on a really difficult night, a song will pop into my head that I can't shake. If my brain spins itself all the way into song mode it's time to pop the TV on and wait it out. Hello my dear friends Andy, Barney and Gomer. Let's head over to the Diner and meet up with Hellen and Thelma Lou. Maybe Juanita will be serving tonight. The Barney love triangle. Thelma Lou and Juanita. How deliciously scandalous for its day.

I have lofty goals for this weekend. Staying on a healthy low cal eating plan and consuming one glass of wine per evening. This morning I'm going to walk the dogs then ride my bike to the salon.

Walked the dogs for twenty minutes and was late for the salon so I drove there. Met my husband there. We always have our hair done together. Our stylist loves us. We are like adult children. No, we ARE adult children. I play with her adorable little dog that she brings in just for me while my husband keeps her occupied with work and home stories that make her laugh to tears. Today I had my usual color, trim and brow waxing and one new extra feature. She colored my eyebrows. When you turn fortysomething things change. We'll revisit that topic another day. Anyway, she put color on my eyebrows. I looked like Count Chocula. It reminded me of the time that my girlfriend who I lunched with in the city yesterday came to my cool & hip city salon with me. She wanted to look extra great because we and several other girls were going out for her birthday that night. Well, the stylist slapped that color on her brows, big and thick. She looked like an inquisitive Dracula. Giant dark triangles above her eyes. For some reason (I swear to you if it CAN happen it WILL happen to this particular girlfriend) the color did not come off her skin. Draw that mental picture for yourself. She also has alabaster skin I kid you not. FUNNY!!!! I give her a lot of credit. She went out anyway. She and her "Order of the Dracul" eyebrows were good to go.... at least until sun up.

We are going to do some painting etc. around the house today, then off to the local farmer's market and on a long bike ride in the woods. We've been threatening each other with this bike ride for a month. I'm excited. I have a new bike this summer that is a dream to ride. Except I'm still in search of a good seat. Finding the perfect bicycle seat is like shopping for a new mattress. It has to be supportive and cushy. That's a tall order for a bike seat. I had the perfect bike seat once and I still kick myself for not swapping it off my old bike that I sold to a neighbor and see riding my old bike with the perfect seat. I think it's inappropriate to ask her to swap that seat out for the iron horse I have now. She paid cash.

Well, we never made the bike ride. Instead we went to my husband's man cave to jam. He plays guitar and I sing. My brother met up with us. We jammed for hours. It was great but about five hours and seven beers later, we were starved so on the way home we stopped for burgers. Ugh! Why do I do this to myself? It's only day 4 and at midnight I consumed a quarter pound of red meat covered in cheese, a pile of french fries, chocolate milk and four cookies. I swear, we did not smoke anything other than cigarettes but by the pile of empty fast food containers you'd think we made a quick trip to Columbia.

Scale of 1 - 5..... 1 Dam!!!

Day 3 To a Better Me

Woke up at 5am and then again at 6:45am. Oh well, at least it was before 7:00am. Light healthy breakfast and off to the gym then, into the city to lunch with a dear friend.  We never see each other anymore because I live on the other side of the planet in the land where corn still grows.

Well, never made it to the gym, did some WII Fit for 30 minutes. I love the boxing. It really works up a sweat. I finished the half pot of coffee that I make every morning and wanted more so stopped at Starbucks on my way to lunch and, instead of my original plan of one black coffee of the day I succumbed to the delicious pictures and posters plastered all over. My calorie nemesis. The Pumpkin Spice Latte. I wait all year for the holiday lattes. Pumpkin Spice and Ginger Bread. They also had frosting ladened pumpkin muffins in the case. Oh man, oh man, oh man, no no no!!!

Left with a grande skim pumpkin spice latte but with no whipped cream. Not too bad but probably 300 calories more than the black coffee. It was one delicious sip after another that carried me all the way downtown.

Talked and laughed and laughed and talked and went to a really cute Thai restaurant that had delicious reasonably sized lunch portions. I'm guessing all together lunch was around 700 calories. If I have salad for dinner I'll be all set for the day.

No salad in the house and didn't feel like going to the store. Had a pre-made healthy dinner that I cooked last week and froze into small portion sizes. I feel very crunchy right now. This is when I would leave the house to get some delicious salty chips and dip. Maybe I'll go get some celery.

Never left the house had a big pretzel and some fat free cream cheese, a piece of nicotine gum (I still crave a smoke sometimes because I break down and have a few every time I cocktail) and a big bowl of frozen berries with a pile of fat free whipped cream. I just don't understand how the aerosol can says "made with real cream" but its fat free. The best part about this miracle cream is the extra gas in the can. There's always a lot of nitrous left after the alleged fat free cream is gone. Inhale that stuff and live inside a cartoon for 60 seconds. Now that's dessert!!!

1 - 5 scale today is about a 2.5.  Hmmmm, I need to try harder.  My goal was to lose about 3 lbs this week. 


Day 2 of Commitment to a Better Me

I'm so excited about my triumphant healthy day yesterday. That I actually lived up to my commitment to get up at 5am this morning is amazing outstanding! (I am going to start a coalition to end using the word amazing over everything. The only person who is allowed to use the word amazing is a magician's publicist. I mean it. It angers me to the core to hear that word used by everyone for the use of pimple cream to vaginal itch salve.) Ever since I was laid off, back in March, I've made a concerted effort to not become a bum. A bum being one who stays up late snacking then slips into a glycemic coma only to wake up around 9am-ish. Today, I've lived up to my commitment!

I'm going to walk Flash and Sweetiekins before I go to the gym this morning. Right now they don't care. In fact, when I walked into the kitchen area where they sleep, Flash rolled on his back and sighed, Sweetiekins went straight for her food bowl. Sweetiekins is a mix of Chihuahua, Dachsundt and, my husband and I have decided, she may have a little raptor in her. She's a very fit 12 lbs. only because she can't get to everything she would devour if given the chance. (A wise drunk person at a party once told me that if Chihuahuas were the size of pit bulls, we'd all be dead. WHAT A WISE DRUNK PERSON)

If a giant hand were to fill a bowl with crappy dry food twice a day and that's all I could get my paws on, I'd be fit too. That would be the best diet for me. (Note to self... Look into venture capital for two bowl a day diet clinic. This could be big.)

Now, off to start my healthy day.

It's now 9:40am. I did take the pups for a 40 minute sloooowwww walk. My foot hurts really bad. Just a little about me. When I was four years old I got sick with what they now know was Guilliam Barre Syndrom (GBS). It paralyzed me from my hips to my toes. Many surgeries and years of therapy later I walk just fine but wear a leg brace and have a pronounced limp. Not complaining just explaining. This is why it's a little more challenging for me to throw myself into alot of weight baring physical activity. My leg strength is probably 1/3 of a normal legged person.

Anyhooo, after a very healthy sensible breakfast and a 40 minute walk I will plan the rest of my day, which, would be alot easier to plan if I had a job.

Rest of the day consisted of, balancing my checkbook, surfing the net, e-mailing friends and family, a nice big but pretty healthy lunch with my husband at our favorite restaurant, floating in our pool and, four vodka and crystal light cocktails.  Then, in bed, low calorie popcorn and a teeny tiny bite of a candy bar.  All together not a bad dieting day.

On a scale of 1 - 5,  I give it a 3.5.     Yay for me!!! 

Day 1 of my new Commitment to a Better Me - Summer of 2007

Weight Weight Weight!!! I have struggled my entire life with self image. Too afraid to walk into a gym because I'm too fat so I get a dog. This will force me to walk walk walk and lose weight and be healthy. It actually worked. I had the luckiest dog on the planet if you ask me. When we lived in the city (in my cool and hip apartment with its cool and hip balcony that overlooked the ally) I walked her everywhere. The key was to have a destination on our walks. I couldn't just walk to walk. Boring!! Sometimes the destination was next to the Dairy Queen. Oh well. We were a hip city duo. Me and my super healthy city shelter dog.

Now I live in the suburbs. I have two new dogs (jt's been many years since the hip city days and my beloved city shelter dog has since passed away) one big and one little. My big boy, Flash, is from a rescue way up North where a very humble blue collar family with barely enough room in their home for themselves was fostering him. My little one, Sweetiekins, was my mom's pampered pup. I promised her that I would take her if anything ever happened.  My mom passed away in January 2006.  It has taken almost this long to de-program this little girl from expecting her daily hours of lap time, carry time, endless walks and countless treats.  My mom was a retired senior and this little girl's paws had barely touched ground for more than a couple hours a day. 
I have gained 28 lbs. since the hip city days and I was 10 lbs. too heavy then. Now, instead of walk walk walking. We drive. I even drive the dogs to doggie daycare when the weather is bad so they can socialize with other dogs without getting wet or being too cold.

Many diets and exercise commitments have come and gone. Even daily dog walks are blown off for more important things. We have a HUGE back yard so, they still get their exercise.

Being a home owner has given me a whole host of new exercise blow off excuses. The deck needs sweeping (that's actually exercise although I never sweat or get sore mussels), weeds to pull (I pay a little neighbor girl to do that, I hate pulling weeds), mow the giant back and front lawns (I have a rider lawn mower but when it's hot I do sweat little), and other house stuff.
There is actually a walking/riding path right across the street. I've been on it a few times. It's nice and I have committed to using it every week now.

So, to sum things up. Today is the day I promise myself to eat healthier, walk the dogs more and go to the gym on a regular basis. Also, I am going to have one glass of wine not the whole bottle on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. That alone should shed a few pounds.

Today: The calorie count is at weight loss level, yay, even though I ate a huge piece of pie with fat free frozen yogurt for dinner. I split the bag of popcorn with my dogs for a night time snack. And.... drum roll please....... I EXERCISED!!!!

GREAT DAY!! On a 1 - 5 basis a 5 being the best I would say I'm at a 4 today. Yay for me!!