Working on a Better Me 10/29/2009

My last entry was back on September 24th.  Reason being, I have been unhappy and frustrated with my current state of unemployment.  One would think that unemployment bring loads of time to us each day to accomplish all of those tasks we say we'll get to but never have time because of our jobs.  Well, it's not true.  My days go by and my list of accomplishments go untouched.  It has been almost seven months since my lay off status began and my closets are packed, the garage is a dirty messy pit, the back yard needs attention and oh yeah, the little neighbor girl is growing up and has better things to do than my outside chores so, the weeds are knee high (I keep praying for a frost to kill the dam things) and there's pine cones and leaves blanketed over our one acre piece of land.  The time flies and I have nothing to show for it.  Come evening time I look back on my empty list of accomplished tasks and say, "where did the time go?"  Then I check to see if my favorite shows are on and pop some corn for the dogs and I. 

Anwyay, writing about dark and sticky unhappy things makes me more unhappy.  I'm still not on top of the world but, in a much better place.  Have you every felt like life is controlling you instead of controlling your own life?  I have and still do.  But, awareness is half the solution to the problem right?

 So, once again, I am starting over with a new and stronger attitude.  It's time to yank my feet out of the quicksand that has been sucking me down and move.  What a great metaphor.  I could write pages and pages of phsycho babble that includes crazy childhood with crazy mother and rigid angry father that has affected me through my current adult life or, sum it up in a cozy little metaphor about being stuck in quick sand. 

Anyway, I vow to continue to blog on a regular basis whether life is sunshiny or grey. 

Outlook, sunny with patches of grey.

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